Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Layered Wood Plaque

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Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Plaque

This is a multi-layer, laser cut temple plaque is an original design, created out of 9 layers of laser-cut birch and stained birch, including birch, mahogany, alder and stained woods. The background design is inspired by the stained glass windows in the front of the temple.

Each layer is slightly different than the one above and uses design elements that reflect the unique architectural detail found in this specific temple, an effect that is relaxing and mesmerizing.

This unique piece of inspirational artwork makes a special gift for friends, newly weds and loved ones. It can be showcased in your home or office, hung on a  wall or displayed on a desk or shelf.

The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Layer Plaque has been created in 3 sizes. This custom laser cut design is gorgeous and durable and includes a wooden box for shipping and storage, though you will want to show it off in a prominent place.

The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was the first temple built in Idaho, and was the only temple dedicated by President George Albert Smith. Dedicated 23 September 1945. The Idaho Falls Temple was rededicated on June 4, 2017 by Henry B. Eyring.

The Idaho Falls Idaho Temple was the first temple designed with a central spire. The temple stands on the banks of the Snake River, just above the cascading waters for which the city is named, the gleaming white Idaho Falls Idaho Temple serves as a centerpiece to the city.